Note: My friend said he cannot post his in FB cause Con Man and his wife have been using Fake account to
make report to Facebook claiming that the post is Fake and invalid. Facebook
has been trying to take down the post. My friends have already sent Facebook the 2
Police Reports.
(四月到现在, 还欠我朋友RM3300, 如果不是我朋友报警了, 他也不会出现的, 现在他老婆和他同伙, 出来保护他, 跟我朋友谈, 要每星期还RM200, 但要我朋友把post拿下, 让他从新做生意, 我朋友没能答应, 怕他再骗人 因为他骗了很多人, 怕他黑社会背景, 所以很多都算了)
(Since April, he
still owes my friend RM 3300, because my friend makes police report, else he wouldn't show up
any more. He and his wife are together, his wife now protecting him, and
negotiate with my friend to pay RM 200 every week, but on 1 condition is to take post
down, but my friend rejected, because my friend afraid he may cheat again to pay off debt.
Many victims keep quiet because they have been threatened with Gangster)
All evidence is in
the blog. Please take down all his number, don’t give him chance to cheat you!
全部证据都在这里。 请把他电话拿下, 别让他有机会骗你。
Chan Tick Loon (NOW hiding in Kuching 7
花名 (Nick Name): Ken, Michael, Thai Amults Ken, Huang Di, Tai-Ji)
电话 (Telephone):019-8200350 / 0198853569 / 019-8848911/ 014-6888700 / 014-227 2850 / We CHAT thaitaiz8888
身分证 (Identity Card): 840911-56-5005
户口 (Account No): 1640-3424-0682 (May Bank)
车牌 (Car Plate):QAY 7504
地址 (Address):
1) No.1-4-4, Taman Jinjang, 52100, Kuala Lumpur
2) No.1114, Jalan Besar, Jalan jinjang Utara, 52000, Kuala Lumpur
花名 (Nick Name): Ken, Michael, Thai Amults Ken, Huang Di, Tai-Ji)
电话 (Telephone):019-8200350 / 0198853569 / 019-8848911/ 014-6888700 / 014-227 2850 / We CHAT thaitaiz8888
身分证 (Identity Card): 840911-56-5005
户口 (Account No): 1640-3424-0682 (May Bank)
车牌 (Car Plate):QAY 7504
地址 (Address):
1) No.1-4-4, Taman Jinjang, 52100, Kuala Lumpur
2) No.1114, Jalan Besar, Jalan jinjang Utara, 52000, Kuala Lumpur
HIS Facebook Page:
Below is my friend's Telephone conversation with him, you can see he is giving a lot of excuses…
1.Audio Proof – He is acting after calling a few times -
2.Audio Proof – He didn’t want to pay -
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