Friday, June 5, 2015

我朋友的故事和经验! My friend's story and experience wit Chan Tick Loon and His Wife.

我是佛牌收藏者, 四月中时, 有个这骗子/老千名太子皇帝 也叫, (THAI AMULTS KEN OR MICHAEL),  019-8200350 / 0198853569- We CHAT thaitaiz8888

I am a collector of Thai Amulets; In April, This Con Man named, “Prince/ Tai-Ji” or “King / Huang Di); Also Nick name “Thai Amults Ken OR Michael). 
019-8200350 / 0198853569- We CHAT thaitaiz8888

他说有真的阿赞班的路过和阿赞SUP鲁士牌要让出,价钱是 RM 3888 (鲁士牌 RM 188),因为朋友欠他钱,要低价出售, 市场价钱是 RM 10 左右,鲁士牌呢,我已经收到了, 路过却给他骗了。

He Told me he has a real LUKOK from AJAN BAN CAMBODIA and a Lusi Amulet for Sales. His Price is RM 3888 (Lusi Amulet cost RM 188); Because his friend OWES him money, and want to sell it for quick buck to pay him back! I have received the Lusi Amulet, but he cheated me on this “LUKOK”. 

他给我看那路过的照片时, 我说好像是做的, 假的,但他说是真路过,可以让我先验货, 货不对可以退钱。 但要拿货就 要先拿钱。 

He shows me a photo of the LUKOK; when I saw it, I feel like it is not real one; but he insists that it is real, and he can let me check it; guaranty money returns if it is FAKE, but he needs payment first. 

我说要问金 X佛行 的意见, 顺便验货; 但他说不可以让金X 佛行知道, 因为这货是帮别人卖的, 他是金X佛行的代理人, 如果金 X 知道他帮别人卖就不好了。

I said I want to ask the opinion of
X Amulet Shop and ask help to check the validate the item; but he said cannot let X Amulet Shop knows about this, because he is an agent for X Amulet Shop; so he actually cannot sell other’s people’s stuff. So I believe him. 

所以我汇了RM 1800 但因为我用Paypal, 需要五天时间过账,但他说他银行户口没钱不能过账,说要$300手术费, 要我先过RM300 给他, 拿钱后立刻汇还给我。

I transferred RM 1800 as deposit to him through Pay Pal, unfortunately Paypal requires 5 days to clear. Then he said his Maybank account now is RM 0; Bank cannot process the Pay Pal’s transfer as they required administration fee. He requested that I lend him RM 300 first, and will return to me immediately once the money is through. 

但过后, 他说他发生车祸了,需要借钱修理车; 因为没车不能拿货; 他又说不够钱拿货, 因为朋友把哪路过当给人了, 要赎回。 他说不能等了, 要快, 在很犹豫下, 我汇了, RM 2168 

But after 1 day, he again claimed that he got into car accident, and need money to fix his car. He claims that without car, he can’t work and therefore can’t take the stuff. He asked if I could help to transfer the remaining money so that he could fix his car, and will return me the money after he got the Pay Pay Deposit. In great hesitation, I transfer RM 2168 to him because I was thinking, since he already got half of it; and at that time, I really don’t have much choice left.


过后, 我一直再追货, 他说朋友在国外, 一星期过一星期,过后他说被朋友骗了,拿不同的货給他, 我跟他要回钱, 他说有一半已经汇给他这朋友, 要先跟他要回。他要我给他两天时间。后来, 又跟我说没钱。我觉得很怪,便开始问了几个佛行, 给他们看照片, 他们都说, 一看照片就知道是假的,做这行这么久了, 没有可能不知道! 

After the incident, I keep chasing him the Stuff and week by week, he keeps giving me excuses. After that, he said his friend lied to him and shows him a different product. And he also claimed he has transfer half the money to his friend and need his friend to return to him first. I am furious because this is not my problem. He is an expert in this business, and this shouldn’t happen. As I start to suspect his ill intention so I started to ask around owner / seller of Thai Amulet by showing the photo he sent me, and to my surprise, he lied, All the experts that I asked, told me that they can already tell from photo that it is a FAKE ONE, and it is impossible that he doesn’t know, as he is an expert in this business. Even
X Amulet Shop said so. 

我知道被骗了, 追他还钱, 他说他没钱了, 我威胁他说如果不还, 我会公开给人知道, 过后他答应说每星期还RM500 八期还完。 但是, 当第一期到时,他既然又说要晚些才有钱,过后又没消息了, 他还说要的话就等,要不然,他也不能做什么。 我觉得他真的无救了。

I know he cheated me, so I ask for my money back but he keep saying he got no money now; I threatened to expose him if he didn’t return me the money, and he finally give in and said he will pay me RM 500 every week for 8 weeks to clear it (final week RM 400) but he can only start the following Friday (that day is only Tuesday). Unfortunately, when it comes to the first instalment, he again, giving excuses, He supposes to bank in by 5pm but then he said needs to wait until evening only has money, then after that, no news at all
。。。! And he threatens me that if I want the money, then I have to wait. I feel that this man is really HOPELESS now. 

我想, 我亏了, 那是事实, 钱没了可以再慢慢储蓄回来, 但我不能让这种人无法无天!我怕是怕他拿这段时间拖着我这里, 继续行骗 后,一次过大大单的玩失踪了!
所以 我决定不再相信他, 一定要把他公开来! 

For me, I accept the fact that he has cheated my money; I can treat this incident as a learning, but I cannot allow him to continue to Con People! What I worry the most, is that he stalls me / drag my time so that he can buy more time to Cheat others and then ran off Or disappear at once, then there will be more victim; therefore I decided to expose HIM! 

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